Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr Celebrates Annual Mawlid of Eid Milad un Nabi

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Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr Celebrates
Annual Eid Mawlid an Nabi

Allah Himself celebrated the birth of the Holy Prophet according to His grandeur and incomparable status. The angels celebrated by sending Durood (salutations) upon the Holy Prophet. It has been a custom and tradition of the prophets and messengers who came before the Holy Prophet to celebrate his birthday in their respective eras.

The ardent lovers of the Holy Prophet from his umma celebrate this occasion passionately. Some of the ways include reading Durood in abundance throughout the month of Rabi-al-Awwal. Decorating the houses and buildings with lightings, organising gatherings in remembrance of the Holy Prophet. The devotees read eulogies in honour of the Holy Prophet. It is a norm for people to organise lectures to highlight the Holy Prophet’s exalted character.

In fact, it is requisite for devotion with the Holy Prophet that we spend every moment of our lives in accordance with the Sunnah. Only then one becomes eligible to be called a true seeker of Allah.

Prophet Mohammad

The Sarwari Qadri order is in fact the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet. Every act of the spiritual leaders of this order is a reflection of the Sunna of the Holy Prophet. It will not be wrong to say that the Sarwari Qadri order has a special attention of the Holy Prophet. This is because the spiritual leaders of this order are stationed at the very exalted spiritual station of annihilation and immortality with Allah and the Holy Prophet.

Sarwari Qadri Spiritual Guides – A True Reflection of Mohammadan Faqr

Sarwari Qadri Spiritual Guides

The Sarwari Qadri spiritual guides are so deeply engrossed in the love and devotion of the Holy Prophet that they become a true manifestation of the Mohammadan Faqr So how would it be possible that they would not celebrate the Mawlid of their beloved – the Holy Prophet. In fact, the spiritual leaders of Sarwari Qadri order have been known to be at the fore front when it comes to celebrating the Mawlid.

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the present Shaikh of the Sarwari Qadri order. He is known by the title of ‘Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’ which means the Sultan of ardent Divine lovers. A true lover is the one who sacrifices everything for his beloved, even his very life. If this is the status of common lovers then what would be the level of the Sultan of Divine lovers?

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has dedicated his every possession and relation, even his life for the Mohammadan Faqr. He is working tirelessly to spread the message of Faqr which is the soul of Islam to the world. Therefore he celebrates the Mawlid events passionately as it is these events during which the treasure of Faqr is granted to the sincere seekers of Allah.

Mawlid Programme 2019

As the previous years, this year as well on 12th Rabi-al-Awwal, a grand Mawlid event was organised to celebrate the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet. The preparations for the event began a month before the event. The disciples and devotees from across Pakistan were invited to the event. As a result a large number of devotees attended the event.

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen House as well as the Sarwari Qadri khanqah were decorated with beautiful lighting. The decorations made both the premises stand out from the surroundings and they looked very appealing at night.

The devotees and disciples started arriving in the khanqah from across the country few days before the event. Everybody was trying to contribute more and more in preparations for the event. And they were rightfully doing so as it was to celebrate the birth of the Holy Prophet for whom Allah created this universe. The devotees were eager to enlighten their inwards with the light of Holy Prophet’s pleasure and spiritual closeness.

On the day of the event, the members of the central executive committee of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr were wearing white dress and green waist coats that were looking gorgeous on them.


Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s Arrival at the khanqah

Before the start of the event, the devotees present in the khanqah were eagerly waiting to see the sacred countenance of their beloved spiritual guide. The weather was also very pleasant that day. Before arrival of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen all the devotees gathered on both sides of the way that leads to the khanqah and also at the khanqah entrance to welcome their spiritual guide. Whilst their inwards were engrossed in invocating ‘Ya Hoo’. The naat khawans (who recites eulogies) were reciting eulogies in their beautiful voice to welcome Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. Amongst all of this, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s car appeared and the devotees started chanting slogans to welcome their beloved spiritual guide. They showered rose petals on the car to show their gratitude and love.


Upon arrival at the khanqah, Sahibzada Sultan Mohammad Murtaza Najib along with Dr Hasnain Mehboob, Mohammad Abdullah Iqbal and Naeem Abbas Sarwari Qadri welcomed Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. They presented bouquet of flowers. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen warmly met them and then proceeded to his seat on the stage.

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen seated on his chair and all the devotees present in the khanqah also followed. They sat in front of their spiritual guide with utmost respect and devotion. Their hearts were joyous to get a glimpse of their beloved. For the lovers, there is nothing more joyous than to see their beloved. On the path of Faqr, the metaphorical love (love of the spiritual guide) is a medium for Divine love. This eventually leads to Divine closeness and presence in Divine court.

The Proceedings of the Mawlid Event

To begin the proceedings of the Mawlid programme, the head administrator of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr, Naeem Abbas requested permission from Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. He then came on stage and said few words in praise of the Holy Prophet. He then invited Maulana Mohammad Aslam Sarwari Qadri who recited few verses from the Holy Quran.

The compere of the ceremony, Naeem Abbas then invited Mohsin Raza to read a eulogy in honour of the Holy Prophet. He read the below eulogy:

سارے نبیاں دا نبیﷺ تو امام سوہنیا

لکھاں تیرے تے درود تے سلام سوہنیا

Meaning: O Holy Prophet! You are the leader of all the prophets. May Allah descend hundreds and thousands of salutations upon you my beloved.

Celebration of Eid Milad-un-Nabi at Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr

Mohammad Ramzan Bahoo then read a eulogy in his unique style that the audience highly appreciated. He read the below eulogy.

حبیبا اوچی شان والیا جے توں آئیوں تے بہاراں آئیاں

اللہ نوں توں پیارا لگنا ایں تائیوں رب نے وی خوشیاں منائیاں

Meaning: O my beloved. All the happiness and joy in the universe is due to you. Allah loves you so much that He Himself celebrated your Mawlid according to His grandeur.

Mawlid an Nabi at Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr

Following that, Professor Hammad-ur-Rehman gave a speech on the topic of ‘Breadth and depth of Holy Prophet’s knowledge’.

After that Abdul Wahab Sarwari Qadri read the below eulogy:

لکھ میم دے پردے پا سانول تینوں عاشق لوک سیان گئے

بھانویں کہندا رہ تو انا بشری تینوں جانن والے جان گئے

Meaning: O my Lord! Even if You hide Yourself behind hundreds of thousands of veils of ‘Meem’. The true Divine lovers have found the secret of You. O Holy Prophet, you may claim to be a human being but the sage know your hidden reality.

Granting Spiritual Succession in Sarwari Qadri Order

On the sacred occasion of Mawlid held on Sunday 10th November 2019, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen granted spiritual succession. He granted this to two of his very loyal disciples for their dedication and services in the path of Faqr. This includes Naeem Abbas Sarwari Qadri who is the head administrator of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr and Nasir Hameed Sarwari Qadri. Following conferring spiritual succession, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen prayed to Allah to grant them perseverance in this path.

At the same occasion, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen appointed Naeem Abbas Sarwari Qadri lifetime incharge of the ‘Khanqah Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’. As well as ‘Masjid-e-Zahra’ project. He also prayed for his success.


Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen with his Khulfas

In the end Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen made a special supplication for both the new spiritual successors. He prayed that may Allah grant them perseverance and complete their spiritual journey of Divine gnosis within his lifetime.

During last year’s Mawlid programme Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen had granted spiritual succession to his son Sultan Mohammad Murtaza Najib. At that occasion, he had appointed him the custodian of his khanqah after his demise. At this year’s Mawlid, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen appointed his spiritual successor Mohammad Abdullah Iqbal deputy custodian of his khanqah. He also appointed Dr Hasnain Mehboob who is also Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s spiritual successor deputy custodian of the khanqah after Mohammad Abdullah Iqbal and prayed for their success and safety.

As per the tradition, on the sacred occasion of this year’s Mawlid programme, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen granted Ism-e-Mohammad to selected disciples for invocation and contemplation. Those who were granted Ism-e-Mohammad includes disciples from within Pakistan as well as disciples from outside the country.


Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen takes Oath of Allegiance and Grants Invocation and Contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen took oath of allegiance from devotees who had come from across Pakistan and inducted them into Sarwari Qadri order. After taking the oath of allegiance he granted them framed Ism-e-Allah Zaat for invocation and contemplation. He also instructed them to practise inscribing Ism-e-Allah Zaat on the body. This practice is particularly important to sanctify the physical body.

In the end Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen met with all the devotees who had come from various parts of the country. It was then time for Zuhr prayer, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen read the prayer in congregation and then departed from the khanqah. With that this blessed event came to an end.

Langar for the Devotees

On the sacred occasion of Mawlid celebrations, the hospitality team organised a grand langar for the devotees. This is Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s tradition.

Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications Hosts a Bookstall at Mawlid Event

During this year’s Mawlid celebrations, Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications set up a bookstall showcasing books published by Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr. The attendees highly liked the books on display and they bought a lot of books. There was a 50% discount on all books on the day. In fact, book ‘Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’ that is a biography of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen was on offer at a special price only Rs. 100 compared with the usual price of Rs. 700.

On this occasion, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s book ‘Haqeeqat-e-Ism Allah Zaat’ had its second edition released.

Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications

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